
Weird People on The Plane

She sat, opened her purse, and pulled a package with sanitizing wipes and a blue glove. She put on the gloves, opened the package, removed some wipes, and cleaned all aropund her: the little table, the handles, the belt , the knuckle, the back of the seat in front of her, and the one on the side. She, then, stored the used wipes in a plastic bag inside the purse, following with the wipe package and the glove.
Someone coughed a couple of times behind her, and she stretched her turtleneck over her mouth and nose in disgust.
Then, she accepted the packaged cookie the flight attendant offered to her. When she opened the package, one of the cookies jumped out of the package and landed in the cushion of the empty seat beside her. She picked up the cookie, in a reflex, and ate.


I was walking around the block, to breath some fresh air and clear my head of state thoughts, feeling as miserable as a human can feel. It was really cold and windy, adding to my hopelessness.
That's when I saw them, a couple in rags, pushing a supermarket cart with their belongings. They were holding hands and they had sparking eyes, despite the cold wind on their face, pushing their dirt hair backwards. They were oblivious to the temperature, to me, to everything: they had each other.
How could I feel miserable? I have seen the face of hope.

Medo do quê?

Medo de quê?
O que há no escuro?
A escuridão que esconde.
Esconde o quê, que se tem medo?
Seus próprios segredos?
Não, a escuridão de não ser.
Portanto, luz faz do homem ribalta.

Dive within

Dive in you.
Dive in the most of you
Discover, within, the truth
without make-up.
Look through the belly button
from inside
it must be like a picture
in a pin head
From within, stretch your arms,
Reaching for something else.
It hurts,
but the person inside will follow
and the future will be complete
in two.


Absurdos do Brasil

Veja no vídeo abaixo o quanto custa por ano cada parlamentar brasileiro. Na casa dos milhões!!!
Depois, decida se você vai reeleger alguém.
Eu não vou.

Veja quanto ganha o político no congresso americano:
As of 2008, rank-and-file members of Congress received a yearly salary of $169.300 per year. Congressional leaders are paid $183,500 per year. The Speaker of the House of Representatives earns $212,100 per annum. The salary of the President pro tempore for 2006 is $183,500, equal to that of the majority and minority leader of the House and Senate.[39] (From Wikipedia, 2009)

Ou seja : R$ 295.259,20 por ano (dólar - R$1,744). Salário fixo. Ok, ok, pode dobrar se quiser considerar impostos e outros, ainda assim. E os funcionários de gabinete são do Congresso, não deles, sem nepotismo, etc.

Ignore os erros de Português, porque a informação é do Bom-Dia Brasil.


See how interesting this blog, where you can access videos to learn the language Tupi-Guarani, the native language of Brazilian indians of most influence in the Brazilian Portuguese. Very interesting, with several words we, Brazilians, know and use all the time. Browse for other lessons. Have fun!
(The video is in Portuguese-Tupi-Guarani)
