
What to think?

What is the reason to think? What to think about that is worthy thinking?
If it is so outdated considering major issues (ethics, justice, love, respect), if thinking in a philosophical way is a "waste of time", or thinking simply leads you to be an outsider, why do it?
Could my time be better used if I think about opportunities to enrich?
Or how to pull the rug from under the feet of those who are about to do the same to me?
What is the purpose of all of that? Why think about ideas and ideals, taking your time from not thinking at all, or thinking about how to make more money?
In this society, what is most important? or better yet, how to better survive in this society?
Why can't I go int hat direction easily?
Why am I a weird just because I always think there is more purpose than this stupid competition we are forced into?
I am so tired.