

I never heard about that church before,
Just about its rich cousin on the other side.
I entered, reverencing the years there
Imbibed in every stone with pride.

The usual darkness dominated me
And I felt scared for a moment,
A thousand voices rambling in the void,
Hollow sensation of pain and torment

I never walk through the middle,
But surrounding the benches.
So did I, moving toward the altar
Of this small church in France.

That’s when I noticed the stand
With a small perforated map
It was a bombing model
Hoping the history not to forget.

That night in the Light City
The Germans’ bombing was ferocious
No escape seemed possible,
Their power was atrocious

The church then seemed logical
And three hundred gathered there
Prayer seemed the only hope,
The only way to their lives spare

Then the miracle came:
Amid the disrupting terror
For the Germans, a mistake
For the French, blessing error

Not even one single bomb
Found their way to the temple
And the people, relieved, prayed more
For God to take it as example.

That day, reviving the history again
I felt peace was the most precious good.
And I left the church intrigued:
How come man yet hasn’t understood?


Revisitando os planos...

Assim, assimilada no mundo dos outros, penso meus dias com o desejo firme de retornar ao meu. Mas meu mundo não me foi generoso da mesma forma e, agora que estou no chegando ao meio de minha existência, não cosidero mais tão importante tantas coisas importantes de antes. Qual a saída então? Pensar no que vem mais naturalmente, escolher menos, deixar a vida me levar mais (vida leva eu...fala Zeca!) já que resistir só causa rugas e olheiras; compilar poesias soltas no ar para me divertir depois, quando elas estiverem em páginas impressas. Esse, sim, o único objeivo palpável, duradouro e firme de hoje.
Então, deixa começar meu dia da forma que mais me apraz: escrevendo. Bom dia para todos nós.
