
Lights on the Hill

Little lights scattered on the hill,
Pulsing slightly in the distance
Little diamonds in green velvet
Shining on the cadence of electric waves
A simple switch can kill.

Dog Life

In my next life I want to be a dog.
In Marin County.
No work, no degree,
Food, house, care, love!
And I will still be able to love too,
The pure love of the dogs.
No social rules, no restrains.
I will follow my interests,
And sometimes be scorned;
But I’ve been scorned as a human anyway…
As a dog, no fashion clothes to wear,
No languages to speak…
The tail will show my feelings
And that will be enough:
no Valentine’s Day gifts needed!
Teeth won’t have braces,
No nails to manicure or pedicure.
No mascara, no lipstick
No liposuction! No flab!
I will run in manicured backyards,
Jump in sparkling blue pools,
And have health insurance paid!
Sleep in soft brand name beds,
With a sparky Coach collar on my neck.
In my next life I want to be a dog.
In Marin County.
And barking, smile to my owner,
Ready to do each day all over again.